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  Dr. Henry Kissinger;

  Gov. Jay Inslee of the state of Washington; Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker; Mayor Ed Murray of Seattle;

  Chairwoman Carla Hills of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations; Chairman Mark Fields of the U.S.-China Business Council;

  ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

  Good evening, everyone. Thank you Dr. Kissinger for your kind introduction. Dr. Kissinger has always been able to come up with some new observations. His introduction has really given me a new perspective to look at myself. It is great to be among so many friends, old and new in a state of Washington, and the City of Seattle, the first leg of my state visit to the United States. Let me begin by extending to you, and through you, to all the American people, my cordial greetings and best wishes.

  I am no stranger to the state of Washington and the City of Seattle. Known as the Evergreen state, and the Emerald City, here you have got the majestic Mount Rainier and the charming Lake Washington. The film Sleepless in Seattle has made the city almost a household name in China. Besides, Washington is the leading state in exports to China and China is the No. 1 trading partner of the Port of Seattle. Washington and Seattle have become an important symbol of the friendship between Chinese and American people and the win-win cooperation between the two countries.

  As the Chinese saying goes, the fire burns high when everyone brings wood to it. Ot is the love and care and hard work of the national governments, local authorities, friendly organizations, and people from all walks of life in those countries that have made China-US relations flourish. In particular, the national committee on US-China Relations, the U.S.-China Business Council, the U.S.-China Policy Foundation, the US Chamber of Commerce, The China General Chamber of Commerce USA, the Committee of 100, the China Institute, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Asia Society, The Brookings Institution, and many other friendly groups and individuals that have made a tiring effort over the years to promote friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries and brought this relationship to this far. Let me pay high tribute and express my heartfelt gratitude to all the local governments, social organizations, universities, think-tanks, and people form all sectors of society who have dedicated themselves to the cause of China-US friendship.

  Since you are all interested in the direction of China's development and foreign policy orientation, let me take this opportunity to share with you some of my thoughts in this regard.

  China's economy will stay on a steady course with fairly fast growth. The Chinese economy is still operating within a proper range. It grew by 7 percent in the first half of the year, and this growth rate remains one of the highest in the world. This has not come by easily given the complex and volatile situation in the world economy. At present, all economies are facing difficulties, and our economy is also under downward pressure. But this is only a problem in the course of progress. We will take coordinated steps to achieve stable growth, deepen reform, adjust structure, improve livelihood and prevent risks, while strengthening and innovating macro regulation to keep the growth at a medium-high speed. Currently, China is continuing to move forward its new type of industrialization, digitalization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. China has a high savings rate, a huge consumption potential, a hard-working population and a rising proportion of middle-income people. This creates an enormous space for the services sector and offers a big market with great potential. China will focus more on improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth and accelerating the shift of growth model and adjustment in economic structure. We will lay greater emphasis on innovation and consumption-driven growth. In this way, we will solve the problem of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development and enable the Chinese economy to successfully transform itself and maintain strong momentum of growth.

  Recent abnormal ups and downs in China's stock market has caused wide concern. Stock prices fluctuating accordance with your inherent laws and it is the duty of the government to ensure an open, fair, and just market order and prevent massive panic from happening. This time, the Chinese government took steps to stabilize the market and contain panic in the stock market, and thus avoided the systemic risk. Mature markets in various countries have tried similar approaches. Now, China's stock market has reached the phase of self-recovery, and self-adjustment. On the 11th of August, China moved to improve its RMB central parity quotation mechanism, giving the market a greater role in determining the exchange rates. Our efforts have achieved initial success in correcting the exchange rate deviation. Given the economic and financial situation at home and abroad, there is no basis for continuous depreciation of the RMB. We will stick to the purpose of our reform to have the exchange rate decided by market supply and demand and allow the RMB to float both ways. We are against competitive depreciation or a currency war. We will not lower the RMB exchange rate to boost export. To develop the capital market and improve the market-based pricing of the RMB exchange, is the direction of our reform. This will not be changed by the recent fluctuation in the stock market.

  The key to China's development lies in reform. Our reform is aimed at modernizing the country's governance system, and governance capabilities so that the market can play a decisive role in the allocation of resources. The government can play a better role and there is faster progress in building the socialist market economy, democracy, advanced culture, harmonious society, and soundly environment. At the third of the 18th party central committee in 2013, we decided on an over-arching plan for deepening reform featuring over 330 measures. In 2014, 18 major reform items were by-and-large completed. In the first half of this year, we rolled out 70 key reform programs with their effects gradually becoming evident. When it comes to the toughest reforms, only those with courage will carry the day. We have the results and guts to press ahead, and take reform forward. We will stick to the direction of market economy reform and continue to introduce bold and result-oriented reform measures concerning the market, taxation, finance, investment and financing, pricing, opening up, and people's livelihood.

  China will never close its open door to the outside world. Opening-up is a basic state policy of China. Its policies of attracting foreign investment will not change, nor will its pledge to protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors in China and improve its services for foreign companies operating in China. We respect the international business norms and practices of non-discrimination, observe the WHO principle of national treatment, treat all market players including foreign-invested companies fairly, and encourage transnational corporations to engage in all forms of cooperation with Chinese companies. We will address legitimate concerns of foreign investors in a timely fashion, protect their lawful rights and interests and work hard to provide an open and transparent legal and policy environment, an efficient administrative environment and a level playing field in the market, with effective ID protection in particular, so as to broaden the space of cooperation between China and the United States and other countries.

  China will follow the basic strategy of the rule of law in governance. Law is the very foundation of governance. We will coordinate our efforts to promote the rule of law in governance and administration, for the building of the country, the government and society on solid basis of the rule of law, build greater trust in judicial system, and ensure that human rights are respected and effectively upheld. China will give fair treatment to foreign institutions and foreign companies in the country's legislative, executive, and judicial practices. We are ready to discuss rule of law issues with the USside in the spirit of mutual learning for common progress.

  China is a staunch defender of cyber security. It is also a victim of hacking. The Chinese government will not, in whatever form, engage in commercial thefts or encourage or support such attempts by anyone. Both commercial cyber theft and hacking against government networks are crimes that must be punished in accordance with law and relevant international treaties. The international community should, on the basis of mutual respect and mutual trust, work together to build a peaceful, secure, open, and cooperative cyberspace. China is ready to set up a high-level joint dialogue mechanism with United States on fighting cyber crimes.

  China recognizes the positive role played by foreign non-profit organizations. So long as their activities are beneficial to the Chinese people, we will not restrict or prohibit their operations, but will protect their operations through legislation and protect their legitimate rights and interests. On their part, foreign NPO's in China need to obey Chinese law and carry out activities in accordance with law.

  China will continue fighting corruption. As I once said, one has to be very strong if he wants to strike the iron. The blacksmith referred to here is the Chinese communist party. The fundamental aim of the party is to serve the people's heart and soul. The party now has over 87 million members and unavoidably, it has problems of one kind or another. If we let these problems go unchecked we will risk losing the trust and support of the people. That is why we demand strict enforcement of party discipline as the top priority of governance. In our vigorous campaign against corruption, we have punished both tigers and flies - corrupt official - irrespective of ranking, in response to our people's demand. This has nothing to do with power struggle. In this case, there is no House of Cards. China is ready to cooperate closely with the international community in fighting corruption and tracking down fugitives. The Chinese people look to the US for support and coordination so that corrupt elements will be denied - an overseas safe haven.

  China will keep to the path of peaceful development. We have just celebrated the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese people's resistance against Japanese aggression and the world anti-fascist war. An important lesson history teaches us is that peaceful development is the right path, while any attempt to seek domination or hegemony through force is against the historical trend and doomed to failure. The Chinese recognized as early as 2,000 years ago that though a country is now strong, varicosity will lead to its ruling. China's defense policy is defensive in nature and its military strategy features active defense. Let me reiterate here that no matter how developed it could become, China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion. To demonstrate our commitment to peaceful development, I announced not long ago that the size of China's military will be cut by 300,000. China is ready to work with other countries to build a new type of international relations with win-win cooperation at its core, replacing confrontation and domination with win-win cooperation and adopting a new thinking of building partnerships so as to jointly open a new vista of common development and shared security.

  As far as the existing international system is concerned, China has been a participant, builder and contributor. We stand firmly for the international order and system that is based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. A great number of countries, especially developing countries, want to see a more just and equitable international system, but it doesn't mean they want to unravel the entire system or start all over again. Rather, what they want is to reform and improve the system to keep up with the times. This would serve the common interests of all countries and mankind as a whole.

  China has benefited from the international community in development, and China in turn has made its contribution to global development. Our "Belt and Road" initiative, our establishment of the Silk Road Fund and our proposal to set up the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) are all aimed at helping the common development of all countries rather than seeking some kind of spheres of political influence. The "Belt and Road" initiative is open and inclusive. We welcome participation of the U.S. and other countries and international organizations. We have vigorously promoted economic integration in the Asia Pacific and the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific in particular, because we want to facilitate the shaping of a free, open, convenient and dynamic space for development in the Asia Pacific. We call for an outlook of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, because we want to work with other countries in the region and the rest of the international community to maintain peace and security in the Asia Pacific.

  The Chinese people have always held American entrepreneurship and creativity in high regards. In my younger years, I read the Federalist Papers and Thomas Paine's Common Sense. I was interested in the life story and thinking of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt and other American statesmen. I also read works of Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain and Jack London. I was most captivated by Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea and its descriptions of howling wind, driving rain, roaring waves, small boat, the old man and sharks. So when I visited Cuba for the first time, I paid a special visit to the breakwater in Cojimar where Hemingway wrote the book. And in my second visit of Cuba, I dropped by the bar Hemingway frequented and ordered a mojito, his favorite rum with mint leaves and ice. I just wanted to feel for myself what was on his mind and what the place was like as he wrote those stories. I believe that it is always important to make an effort to get a deep understanding of the cultures and civilizations that are different from our own.

  The Chinese character Ren, or people, is in a shape of two strokes supporting each other. The foundation of the China-US friendship has its roots in the people and its future rests with the youth. I want to announce here that China supports the initiative of sending a total of 50,000 Chinese and American students to study in each others' countries over the next three years. China and the US will launch a year of tourism in 2016. China on its part will create more favorable conditions for closer people-to-people exchanges.

  Dr. Kissinger wrote in his book, World Order, that, and I quote, each generation will be judged by whether the greatest and most consequential issues of the human condition have been faced. And Martin Luther King said, "the time is always right to do the right thing. Today we have come once again to a historical juncture. Let us work together to bring about an even better future for China-US relations and make an even greater contribution the happiness of our two people's and well-being of the world. "

  Thank you.







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